Our Mission
The mission of the TSU YAC is to cultivate a relationship between alumni and the university, enhance relationships among alumni, and develop a culture of stewardship toward the university and its programs, and offer alumni professional development opportunities and to contribute to the accomplishment of the mission of Texas Southern University – excellence in achievement.​
2020 Chapter Goals
Achieve a membership of at least 60 paid members
Provide at least two (2) scholarships to TSU Students
Establish a signature fundraising event
Keep members engaged and active
Develop a premier membership benefit package
Have a unified and dedicated executive board
Become a strong presence and voice within TSUNAA
Community Service: We will be of service to our current Tigers and the community in which our beloved institution resides, through innovative ideas and offering networking opportunities for undergraduates and alumni while serving the university.
Fundraising: We will foster a culture of giving among young alumni by communicating the needs of the university and undergraduate students to the YAC membership, and engage members in pro-active giving opportunities.
Marketing and Communications: We will be responsible for all marketing and communications to young alumni through the Young Alumni Newsletter, Young Alumni Spotlights, email blasts and social media including Facebook and Twitter.
Membership: We will increase the number of dues-paying members of the Young Alumni Chapter in order to maximize involvement in and support for the mission of the association and the university.
Professional Development: We are committed to transforming young alumni into lifelong professionals by cultivating and encouraging continuous professional growth through the use of educational training sessions and networking opportunities.
Special Events: We will create robust special events that promote membership, bring awareness to the Young Alumni Chapter, enhance the chapter’s university involvement, and support fundraising efforts in order to sustain the operation of the chapter. We strive to create the blueprint for young professionalism by enhancing the quality of post-graduate life for young professionals, and hosting proficient events that are well organized and profitable for the Young Alumni Chapter.
Interested in joining a commitee? Send an email to info.tsuyac@gmail.com